Advance Health Care Workshops Offered Online
June 16, 2020Sonoma Valley Hospital and Vintage House are offering to the community without cost two online workshops on how to document end-of-life healthcare wishes for families, partners, caretakers and healthcare providers. The video sessions, which will be interactive and allow audience members to ask questions, require participants to have the Zoom video conferencing platform on their computer, cellular phone or tablet.
Elissa DeWolfe, RNC, ACHPN Palliative Care Advanced Practice Nurse, will lead two workshops on Tuesday, June 30 in which participants can learn about the importance of having an advance health care directive and obtain step-by-step instruction on how to create one. On Tuesday, July 7, DeWolfe will lead two sessions that will focus on the value of having a Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) document, that will assist the participant in having a conversation with their doctor as to their wishes regarding resuscitation measures if they are needed.
All participants will be able to download a copy of the necessary form when they register. Each session will discuss the options available in completing the form, and answer any questions participants may have.
Tuesday, June 30
Advance Health Care Directives: “Who Will Speak For You When You Can’t?
Daytime Session: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Evening Session: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Tuesday, July 7
The POLST: “What Is A Physician Order for Life Sustaining Treatment?”
Daytime Session: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Evening Session: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
These workshops encourage everyone age 18 and older to think about their health care wishes in advance, document them and communicate them to family and health care providers.
There is no-cost to participate. Registration is handled by Vintage House, visit: to sign-up or call 707.996.0311. For information about the classes, please contact Community Outreach at Sonoma Valley Hospital at 707.935.5257 or
For those not able to participate in the virtual online workshops, a recording of the sessions will be made available for viewing in the near future. For more information about this, contact Vintage House: 707-996-0311 or email