Charting the Road Ahead for SVH in 2023 and Beyond
January 20, 2023Leer en español
Hello New Year,
Last year, Sonoma Valley Hospital underwent some significant transitions, including the appointment of new leadership in Finance, Medicine, and Nursing. We installed new technology in many areas of the hospital, some you will notice, like our new CT, and others work behind the scenes to bring you better, faster service. Most importantly the hospital installed Epic, one of the best electronic health records in the world. It improves our workflows and enables you more visibility into your clinical data.
As Sonoma Valley Hospital plans for delivering the future of healthcare to you, we continue to make investments. 2023 will bring the addition of a new MRI, co-generation power capability, as well as the renovation of our ICU. And none of this would be possible without Sonoma’s incredible philanthropists.
Our partnership with UCSF continues to advance. Our strong neurosurgical relationship continues along with select specialty inpatient services. We look to increase access to UCSF specialists here in the valley.
In addition to our focus on patient care, we are committed to being a healthy hospital for our staff and community by maintaining Covid-19 screening protocols and providing vaccinations to our staff.
As we move forward in 2023, it’s time again to update our strategic plan. That starts with community listening sessions which will be held in the next few weeks. Check the website for locations and times. We are continually evolving, and we appreciate your trust in us to provide the best care possible.
It’s a great time to be a Sonoma Valley resident because you, our community members, are the beneficiaries of these incredible advances.
John Hennelly, CEO
Sonoma Valley Hospital