Health Care District Board Seeks Community Member For Finance Committee
April 3, 2014The Sonoma Valley Health Care District Board announced it is seeking a community member for its Finance Committee, which has oversight of the Hospital’s month-to-month financials and with helping to plan the annual budget.
Residents with expertise in such areas as fiscal management, public financing and accounting are encouraged to apply, said Board Chair Sharon Nevins. She noted that health care experience is desirable but not essential.
The Finance Committee meets at the Hospital at 5:00 pm on the fourth Thursday of each month. The current opening is a non-voting, volunteer position. Non-voting alternatives are expected to participate in all meetings. As voting member vacancies occur, there will be an opportunity to become a voting member.
Interested persons who live within the Health Care District may obtain an application at the Hospital’s Administration Office, 347 Andrieux Street, Sonoma, California 95476, week days from 8:30 am to noon and 1:00 to 4:30 pm, or by e-mail from Gigi Betta, Board Clerk at
Completed applications may be delivered to the Hospital in person during normal business hours or mailed to the address listed above. All applications should be received no later than the close of business on Friday, April 25, 2014.