Second Drive-Through Sonoma Valley Vaccination Clinic Announced – Now Open To Those Age 70 and Older Sunday, February 14, 2021 (1165 Doses Are Planned)
February 9, 2021Sonoma Valley Health Partners is providing its second a drive-through COVID-19 Vaccine clinic at Sonoma Valley High School on Sunday, February 14. . Eligibility for this clinic is only for Sonoma County Phase 1(a) Healthcare Workers, Phase 1(b) Sonoma County residents age 70 and older, and food and agricultural production workers (Food Service and Food Sales are NOT yet eligible). Proof of eligibility is required. We will expand availability as vaccine supply and County/State Guidelines allow. Following is information on how to schedule a vaccination appointment.
CANCELATIONS: Appointments are subject to cancellation for those that who do not meet eligibility requirements.
February 14, Vaccination Clinic Sign-Up
IMPORTANT: You must make an appointment to receive the vaccine. If all appointments are filled by the time you finish the registration, please sign-up to be on the wait-list. The registration system will stop scheduling appointments once all are taken. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate walk-up appointments. The registration site will be updated if and when additional appointments become available.
Registration site:
- Sunday, February 14 (by appointment only) | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
- For Workers in Phase 1a (all tiers) evidence of eligibility include a work ID badge or letter from your place of employment.
- For those 70 years and older, an ID or other document verifying your age is required.
- For food and agricultural production workers (Food Service and Food Sales are NOT yet eligible) evidence of eligibility include a work ID badge or letter from your place of employment.
- If you show-up to receive the vaccine without an appointment or ID and proof of eligibility, you will be unable to receive the vaccine.
The vaccine scheduled to be provided is the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which requires two doses three weeks apart.
Persons who are vaccinated on February 14, must also commit to receive the second dose on March 7. Second dose appointments will be made on site following your inoculation.
Those in need of support, including assistance with the online registration platform can contact: Vintage House 707.996.0311, La Luz Center 707.938.5131, Sonoma Valley Community Health Center 707.939.6070 and City of Sonoma 707.938.3681 during normal business hours. We encourage everyone to share and assist your family, friends, and neighbors who are currently eligible to be vaccinated and do not have internet access.
If persons are offered a vaccination appointment through another vaccination site (Kaiser, Sutter, County, etc.) we encourage them to accept it. For more information about the vaccines and the most up-to-date status on our distribution plan, visit our COVID-19 vaccine site.
Here is the link you can share for others to receive information by email from us about COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Sonoma Valley:
Future Sonoma Valley Vaccination Clinic dates will be announced at The vaccination clinic has been organized by Sonoma Valley Health Partners, a collaborative effort that includes Sonoma Valley Hospital, Sonoma Valley Community Health Center, Sonoma Valley Fire and Rescue, Schell-Vista FPD, City of Sonoma, Sonoma Valley Unified School District, Sonoma County Department of Public Health, and the Sonoma Valley Catalyst Fund.