Sonoma Valley Hospital Invites Community to Share Their Healthcare Vision at “SVH 2023 and Beyond” with CEO
January 18, 2023Leer en español
Update: The listening session at St. Leo’s has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 28 and will be held in their multipurpose room (updated February 7, 2023)
The community is invited to attend “SVH 2023 and Beyond” think tank sessions and converse with CEO, John Hennelly. At the sessions, Hennelly will present the hospital’s vision for its trajectory in the coming decade. Community members will have the opportunity to engage in a Q&A and provide feedback. Three of the four sessions are in-person and the remaining will be held through a virtual platform. An online survey for comments and feedback is available at the hospital’s website (
“As your community hospital, it is critical for us to stay abreast of your healthcare priorities and create a shared vision for meeting what matters,” said Hennelly. “Community input is essential as SVH builds towards the next decade and beyond. We encourage everyone to learn, provide feedback, and help us move forward.”
Refreshments, including hearty soups and beverages, will be provided by the hospital at all in-person sessions.
The think tank sessions touch upon three areas: new programs and services, redevelopment at the main campus (347 Andrieux Street), and a service site for the westside of the Sonoma Valley. Anyone may register to attend a session; however, space is limited for the in-person conversations:
Thursday, February 28 at 6:00 pm – 7:30 PM
St. Leo’s Church, Multipurpose Room
601 Agua Caliente Road, Sonoma (Springs)
Habrá interpretación simultánea en español.
(Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be provided.)
RSVP: 707.935.5257 or send an email to
Seating is limited.
For registration assistance and additional information, please call SVH Community Outreach at 707.935.5257 or email
NOTE: An online survey (Spanish and English) is available on the hospital’s website for comments and feedback ( You can also send a letter addressed to Office of the CEO, Sonoma Valley Hospital at 347 Andrieux Street, Sonoma, CA 95476, or email
REVISED: 01.31.23