Sonoma Valley Hospital

SVH Foundation-Sponsored Mammogram Program Serves 79 Patients in October

November 20, 2012

November 20, 2012 In honor of National Breast Cancer Awareness month, Sonoma Valley Hospital was once again able to provide Foundation-sponsored mammograms in October to 79 patients who otherwise could not afford this potentially life-saving screening. These exams included follow up diagnostic mammograms or breast ultrasounds, as directed by the physicians.

 The Sonoma Valley Hospital Foundation (SVHF) donates funds to support the Sponsored Mammogram Program twice a year – in October to celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month, and again in May in conjunction with Mother’s Day, Women’s Health Month and the Foundation’s Celebration of Women event. Since the program’s inception in 2011, the SVHF has provided payment for almost 150 breast imaging exams to uninsured and underinsured women.

 Kristine Keene, who received a Foundation-sponsored mammogram in October, explained, “My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 50 years old, so I am painfully aware of how important mammograms are. Unfortunately, I have been out of work and without health insurance for awhile now and was very worried about missing my annual screening. I was trying to figure out how I could possibly afford a mammogram when I heard of the program at Sonoma Valley Hospital. What a relief it was to realize I didn’t have to postpone my mammogram! Words cannot convey how grateful I am for the generosity of others that makes this service possible for those of us who really need it. To SVH and everyone in the community who has made a donation – thank you! What a wonderful community this is.”

 SVHF depends on community support to make this program possible. This year Envolve Winery raised almost $3,500 during their October “Real Men Drink Pink” campaign, with those proceeds going directly toward Foundation-sponsored mammograms. The spring Celebration of Women event will also benefit the mammogram program. Anyone interested in making a donation to the mammogram fund is encouraged to contact Executive Director Harmony Plenty at 707.935.5070 or

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