Sonoma Valley Hospital

SVH Will Hold A “Healthy Heart Conversation” At Vintage House In February For American Heart Month

January 23, 2017

Sonoma Valley Hospital is holding a special conversation on heart health at Vintage House in February as part of American Heart Month, an annual educational event sponsored by the American Heart Association.

Speaking on how to have a healthy heart and what to do in case of a cardiac emergency will be Sonoma Valley Hospital’s Chief Medical Officer, Robbie Cohen, MD and Sonoma Cardiologist, James Price, MD.

The “Healthy Heart Conversation” will be held Thursday, February 16, at Vintage House from 1:30 – 2:30 pm. There is no cost to attend. Please RSVP to Vintage House at (707) 996.0311, or to Sonoma Valley Hospital at 707.935.5257.

Dr. Cohen, formerly SVH’s Emergency Department Medical Director, will discuss emergency care to explain what happens in the event of a cardiac emergency. He will also discuss different symptoms that men and women may experience. Dr. Price will talk about heart health, lifestyle, and advances in cardiac care including new technologies and medications.

“We will cover the spectrum from emergency care to new technologies to explain what the symptoms are for a cardiac event and what one can expect when they call 911 for care in Sonoma Valley and, finally, the steps you can take to reduce your risk,” said Dr. Cohen.

Noted Dr. Price, “We aren’t expecting people to start running five miles a day or cut out all of their favorite foods. That’s not realistic. Rather we’ll be sharing ideas – and, we hope, inspiration – on how to get started, or build upon the steps you may have already taken to improve heart health. We’ll also discuss recent advances that have been made in care and treatment.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women (one in four deaths) and is projected to cost the nation $207 billion in health care services, medications and lost productivity each year.

Risk factors for heart disease include family history, older age, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, being overweight or obese, a poor diet, physical inactivity and alcohol use.

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