SVHCD Board Schedules Public Meeting For Community Input on Hospital CEO Search
September 15, 2020The Sonoma Valley Health Care District Board has scheduled an open community forum to encourage input on the search for a new Chief Executive Officer for Sonoma Valley Hospital. The Board launched the search early this month after retaining the executive recruiting firm WittKiefer.
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting will be held via Zoom videoconferencing on Thursday, Sept. 24 at 6:00 pm. It will be conducted by the two WittKiefer executives leading the search, Mark Andrew and Luke Morris. Community members are encouraged to share whatever points they believe will be helpful to the firm, such as their thoughts on executive competencies and leadership style, as well as awareness of community culture. To register and join or for more information, email or by calling 707.935.5257.
If community members are unable to participate in the meeting, they can provide comments in writing through a separate email the Board has set up: To maintain confidentiality, emails sent to this address will go directly to the search firm and will not be seen by either the Board or the CEO Search Committee.
“We understand that hiring a new CEO is an important decision for the Board and the community, and we want to offer everyone the opportunity to share their thoughts on both the process and criteria for the selection,” said Joshua Rymer, chair of the Board’s CEO Search Committee.
Updated: Thursday, September 17, 2020, 5:45 pm