The Unfolding Vision For SVH
May 11, 2017We just completed the latest update to SVH’s three-year rolling strategic plan and what strikes me is how far we’ve come since we began this annual exercise six years ago.
While our areas of focus have not changed dramatically, the discussion has evolved in ways that I find truly inspiring. In just a few years we’ve gone from a concern with fixing the problems that have held us back to now emphasizing the ways we’re improving hospital performance – ways in which we increasingly compare favorably with hospitals of all sizes across the country.
This plan, as with those that preceded it, was developed by a committee of board members, physicians and hospital leaders who bring diverse perspectives to the discussion. It’s become an invaluable tool for administration, one that helps us stay focused on strategic priorities during the year and the measures of success. I’m pleased to report that we achieved almost every goal we set for ourselves in the past year.
This year, we’ve updated and expanded our priorities and clarified the metrics. Our strategic priorities for 2018-2020 are:
- Achieve the highest levels of health care safety, quality and value as measured by Patient Satisfaction and National Quality Benchmarks
- Be the preferred hospital for patients, physicians, employers and health plans as measured by volumes and referrals
- Implement new and enhanced revenue strategies as measured by increased direct margins in each service area
- Continue to improve financial stability as measured by operating margin
- Lead progress toward being a healthier community as measured by community benefit and reduced readmissions
You can find a copy of the 2018 Strategic Plan here and I encourage you to take a few minutes to read through it to see where we are going and better understand the challenges we face in getting there.
In good health,
Kelly Mather
President and Chief Executive Officer
Sonoma Valley Hospital